Meet The Committee
Meet the clubs 2024/2025 committee
The unsung heroes at Waltham Forest HC, who work behind the scenes throughout the year, to ensure our club runs smoothly and making every season a success.
All these dedicated volunteers give commitment to the sport we love, we wouldn’t even get on the hockey pitch if it wasn’t for our clubs treasurer, umpire coordinator, fixtures secretaries among others.
Please join us in thanking them and celebrating their commitment in running the club!
Principal Officers
Club Chair: Luciano Da Silva & Katie Barraclough
The role: The Chairperson is responsible for its strategic direction and vision for the club, The primary role of the Chair is to lead the committee to implement strategies that deliver the club's key outcomes. Act as the leading representative of the club and ensure effective communication with club members Take the chair at general, extraordinary, and committee meetings
Joined the club: Luciano - Summer 2001, Katie - January 2011
Favourite club memory: Katie - There are too many good memories of my time at WFHC. I’ve made so many friends and enjoyed playing lots of fun hockey with my teammates!
Club Secretary: Jack Rumbold
The role: The Secretary of the club, holds a crucial administrative role, responsible for managing and organising club documentation and communication. The primary role of the Secretary is to support the Chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of the committee.
Joined the club: 2008
Favourite club memory: “The first Basingstoke hockey tour with the snakebite funnel”
Development Officer: Steve Hare
The role: The primary role of the Development Officer is to grow participation, oversee implementation of the club's selection policy and create a positive culture for all. Lead the creation of plans to increase the club's capacity for members to play, coach, umpire, and volunteer, Ensure participation in the club is accessible to all, Lead the implementation and evolution of the club's player selection policy, Work with Club Captains and the Performance Officer to facilitate player movement between teams, Help create a positive culture for all members of the club, Organise meetings with development working groups to implement plans, Deliver updates on development initiatives at committee meetings.
Joined the club: September 1989
Favourite club memory: “Winning Essex Div 1 Indoor league 2006/07. And the many hockey tours I attended! Particularly Worthing, Kettering tours and our Newcastle jaunt”. Not so Favourite: Probably holds the record for being the most injured player in club history ;-)
Club Treasurer: Alex Lovell
The role: The Treasurer plays a critical role in managing the financial aspects of the Hockey Club. They manage the club’s income and expenditure, memberships, and all associated costs of the club. They keep accurate and timely financial records, report on the state of club finances at committee meetings and produce an end of year financial report.
Joined the club: Through ABCs in 2019 as my daughter was already playing for the club.
Favourite club memory: “Getting promotion as M4s captain (season 2022/23). And the social aspect of the club - particularly social hockey. I just like the people that I’ve met whilst playing for/with the club. They’re all just very nice”.
Performance Officer: Ben Frith-Salem
The role: The primary role of the Performance Officer is to increase the quality of hockey and enable the club to outperform its rivals. Lead the creation of a performance plan, Nurture high-potential talent at all levels of the club, Create initiatives and programs to ensure delivery of the performance plan in an effective and efficient manner, Collaborate with the Development Officer to ensure the progress of talented members, Work with coaches in the preparation and running of training sessions, Ensure they keep up-to-date with their knowledge, skills and qualifications and prepare all sessions in advance, Create an environment that helps our people get to the desired performance levels, Maximise opportunities for all members of the club to progress
Joined the club:
Favourite club memory:
Men’s Club Captain: Luciano Da Silva
The role: The primary role of the Ladies’ and Men’s Club Captains is to be known to all male members of the club, to be their voice on issues that affect them, and to represent them equally. Answer all new membership enquiries, Welcome and orientate new members, Ensure new members are allocated into a “squad”, contact details are passed to the relevant captain and emergency contact information is saved securely, To ensure all new members have access the club’s Spond/Facebooks group, Help club members get access to playing kit through the club shop, Monitor GK kits and liaise with the Secretary as to what additional/replacement kit is required throughout the season, Hold weekly team captain meetings to decide on team selection and facilitate player movement between teams.
Joined the club: Summer 2001
Favourite club memory:
Women’s Club Captain: Liz Peddar
The role: The primary role of the Ladies’ Club Captain is to be known to all female members of the club, to be their voice on issues that affect them, and to represent them equally. Answer all new membership enquiries, Welcome and orientate new members, Ensure new members are allocated into a “squad”, contact details are passed to the relevant captain and emergency contact information is saved securely, To ensure all new members have access the club’s Spond/Facebook groups, Help club members get access to playing kit through the club shop, Monitor GK kits and liaise with the Secretary as to what additional/replacement kit is required throughout the season, Hold weekly team captain meetings to decide on team selection and facilitate player movement between teams.
Joined the club:
Favourite club memory:
Head of Youth Hockey: Philippa Leguen de Lacroix
The role: The primary role of the Head Youth Coach is to develop young hockey players to enjoy playing hockey, and compete to the best of their ability. The Head Youth Coach is a member of the Committee.
Joined the club: September 2002
Favourite club memory: “Worthing tours! Getting banned from the hotel maybe? As club chair, presenting 3 awards to myself at a Dinner and Dance was funny”.
The role: Keeping people connected and shouting about all the great stuff that happens across Forest! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, X and sign up to the newsletter for the latest club news.
Joined the club: Through our mighty ABC course in summer 2021.
Favourite memory: I’m a sucker for our end of season do’s, a brilliant chance to mix with club members and throw some dubious dance moves.
The role: Lead the Flyerz section of the club to the best of their ability. The Flyerz Coordinator is a member of the Committee.
Joined the club: 2016
Favourite memory: Attending one of the Flyerz festivals which we helped to organise / Winning promotion with the mens 2s.
Umpire Liaison Officer: Gary Joy
The role: The Umpire Liaison Officer plays a critical role in managing and coordinating umpires for matches and ensuring the smooth conduct of games.
Joined the club: March 2008
Favourite club memory: “There are very many good club memories, Ive personally had but, if I had to choose one, it would be.
A mixed game at Peter May Sports Centre, where I received the ball to the left of the Circle, went past 2 defenders and from the top of the Circle, just inside, hit the ball into the top right hand corner #TopBins.
Very proud of that goal!!”
The role: Allocating home fixtures, and booking pitch time.
Joined the club: Summer 2018
Favourite memory: Putting top-of-the table Broxbourne to the sword, 4-1 at their place in Div 1 South 23/24.
Growth Officer: Owen Keen
The role: The primary role of the Growth Officer is to drive the expansion of the hockey club. The Growth Officer is a member of the Committee.
Joined the club:
Favourite club memory:
Club Officers
Membership Officer (Womens): Francis Brown
Membership Officer (Mens): TBC
Youth Membership Officer: Claudie Crossley
Welfare Officer (Mens): Al Cole
Welfare Officer (Womens): Carien van der Hoop & Emma Edwards
Kit Manager: Steve Hare
Grants & Sponsorship Officer: Vinay Chhana
Teas Coordinator: Dhillon Rai-Green
Hockey Facilitator: Katrina Khan
Flyerz Facilitator: Shane Crowe
Editor at Large (newsletter): Monica Stonehouse
Data Protection Officer: Al Cole & Owen Keen
Social Secretaries: TBC
Umpire Recruitment Facilitator: TBC
Club Spreadsheets: Michael Wiseman
Website Team: Al Cole & Steve Hare
Team Captains
Womens 1s: Anna Frodsham
Womens 2s: Charly Milton-Doyle
Womens 3s: Kelly Brady
Men’s 1s: Al Cole
Men’s 2s: Andrew Falk
Men’s 3s: Simon Bell
Men’s 4s: Alex Lovell
Men’s 5s: James Pidgen
Mixed: TBC